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Salty’s is a Silver Supporter of RNLI Torbay

Jim has helped design and brand the Torbay Lifeboat latest fundraising challenge with friend, photographer and crew mate Nigel Millard. Jim and Nigel have worked a lot together over the years and its great they can continue their creative relationship to support the great cause of RNLI.

From March 2022, RNLI Torbay crew members embark on a series of six intrepid and fearsome tasks, culminating in the 8 oldest climbing to the summit of Kilimanjaro in February 2023. All to raise money for their local lifeboat station.

Kilimanjaro challenge logo

Our crew have bravely accepted a relay of challenges including skydiving, endurance swimming, cycling, rowing, driving, that culminates in February 2023 with the 8 oldest crew-members (average age of 60) hiking to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the Worlds highest freestanding mountain and seventh highest in the World!

Lifeboat crew and the Kilimanjaro challenge

Each team will take a banner on their task, a cherished flag, to keep in their care and pass on to the next team until it is eventually raised at the finish, on the summit of 5,895 metre-high Kilimanjaro.

During this year of challenges our lifeboats will of course always remain fully operational and ready to respond to the call for help.

RNLI looking from the boat

To help us meet our fundraising target of £60,000, we are reaching out to our local community and wider regional supporters. Any donations here that help us along the trail to our target, to raise our flag on Kilimanjaro, will be warmly welcomed. The crew are largely self-funding the challenges, therefore all donations will go towards our target.

As a charity, 92% of our funds come from donations and so our lifesaving service relies on the generosity of our supporters.

Just Giving 

All photo credits to Nigel Millard 

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