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Notes from the Salty’s Studio — ice cream RSS

We’re a Founding Co on Holly & Co

Holly & Co is abuzz with many businesses and their innovative, colourful, fresh and quirky things to delight the eye. Have you also seen The Home of Small Businesses a whole house full of the Holly & Cos products, curated and art directed, with room tours, discussions and inspiration springing from there. A whole hub of nourishing content that can only grow and grow! Im currently hooked on Holly Tucker’s podcasts too Conversations of Inspiration- so much food for thought, especially as we all navigate similar life/family/work challenges.

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Cleaning up Ice cream - spellcheck!

Oh goodness we’ve had a week - so happy was I to broadcast our latest print, the ice cream map of Devon and Cornwall - to then get the messages from eagle eyed followers, letting us know (and I'm very grateful for those gentle messages) we had not one, but two spelling mistakes on the map, we were sent crashing into horror and embarrassment for our oversight and wasted efforts! But then ..we took a deep breath, and set about trying to make amends. First out telling everyone who’d already bought a print, offered their money back or a slight delay, that we were going to reprint the whole edition after some serious double, triple spellchecking!! What began as a...

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